Saturday, November 15, 2008

Frank Twit

Image taken from

Story behind this short story: Remember the children's book, "The Twits", written by Roald Dahl? If not, here's a web link you can look at to jog your memory:

Mr and Mrs Twit were one of the most vile, cruel villains that Roald Dahl had ever invented, and in our year 7 class, we were asked to imagine what it would be like if Mr and Mrs Twit ever had a child together. We had to read Roald Dahl's text to take note of how he had described Mr and Mrs Twit and their personalities, and our job was to write about their child in a similar fashion. This was the my result: The "untold" story of their son, Frank Twit.....

There he was, standing all alone on the basketball court. One look at him, and you would literally pass out!

His name was Frank Twit (short for Frankenstein), and he was the smelliest, the most repulsive boy you will EVER meet!

The top of his head held a large mass of thick, messy, scraggly hair. It was also an interesting flourescent green. He explained to us that that was because he shampooed his hair the other day with toxic waste. We found that qutie believeable, because you should have smelled his hair! It smelled like the rotten codfish my Grandma left in the fridge for three years!

He had two black, beady eyes. Whenever Frank would look at you, one eye would seem to look the other way. It had been like that since he was born. He was short-sighted in the other eye, making it impossible for him to see at all.

He had very long ears. They were so long that they drooped down to touch the cement, and if you took a closer look at them, (I do hope you've brought along a paper bag with you), you would be able to see the mounds of orangy-chocolate coloured bits of wax growing inside his ears.

Sometimes, when frank was bored, he would stick his index finger into his ear to take aout a huge blob of wax and start to nibble at it.

"Mmmm," he would murmur, "That WAS delicious!"

Because his ears were full of wax, he couldn't hear anything the teacher said to him.

"What's one plus one?" the teacher would boom.

"Hey?" was Frank's reply.

"What's one plus one?" the teacher would repeat.

"What?!" Frank would shout.

"WHAT'S ONE PLUS ONE!" The teacher would bellow.

"Oh. Three", would be the reply.

Frank's teeth were bright yello and his breath smelled as bad as his hair. Everyone had to wear gas masks whenever he spoke to them!

He wore shabby, torn-up clothing that smelled just as bad. He couldn't help that. Because he was partially blind, he couldn't sew up his own clothes. And he couldn't wash his clothes either. For all we know, he might shove his clothes into the oven by mista,e turn it on to 180 degrees celsius and bake them!

Frank had a pet toad whom he called Wartzit. Wartzit was covered in warts. He had bloodshot eyes, a long yellow tongue and black crokked teeth. He was an eyesore.

He was a very rude little toad. He kept spitting at people whenever they walked past him.

Wartzit had a tribe of fleas all over his amphibious skin, so he kept scratching all the time, which is why is skin was red and swollen.

It was a good thing for him though, because whenever he was feeling hungry, he would stick out his ongue to explore the red and swollen patches and there would always be a nice, juicy flea to nibble on.

Between Frank and Wartzit together, I think they are the two craziest beings I have ever met!

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